Fertility Cares Blog

Author: Danielle Vitiello, Ph.D., M.D.

single mothers by choice
Becoming a Single Mother By Choice
“I did it my way.” It is time to redefine antiquated terms such as “traditional” family, where the assumption is that two parents were involved in the rearing of children.…
recurrent miscarriage prevention
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression touch the soul of many. Women who demonstrate are not immune; and in fact, may be more exposed to its effects. It is reported that approximately 10%…
maximize chance of pregnancy
Maximizing Chances of Pregnancy 
Much emphasis in the field of reproductive technologies and IVF is placed on arriving at delivery of a healthy infant. Our goal is to promote generation of the healthiest, euploid…
maternal fetal attachment
The Maternal-Fetal Bond
The maternal-fetal bond begins at conception with implantation of the embryo. The embryo embeds itself into the maternal endometrium and then begins the process of establishing a data network. The…
PCOS, Insulin and IVF
PCOS and Insulin Resistance
One of the of hallmarks of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is ovulatory dysfunction. Excessive androgen (male hormone) production has not only an effect on the skin but also on the…
Antidepressants and Pregnancy
Antidepressants and Pregnancy
Women affected by depression and pregnant often find themselves pulled between concern for risks for the pregnancy vs their mental welfare. Antidepressants and pregnancy deliver a double-edge sword. Women medicated…
Window Into Men's Health
Window Into General Men’s Health
General health status, of both men and women, are closely correlated to fertility status. For instance, chronic health conditions and serious illness are associated with an attenuation in reproductive function.…