Fertility Cares Blog

Author: Danielle Vitiello, Ph.D., M.D.

Optimize Fertility
How To Optimize Fertility
Internet, chat rooms and apps: can be all-consuming in the quest for having a baby. The idea of having a child for many is a natural progression of the familial…
Male Influence Parenting
The Male Influence
Let not the male counterpart be the forgotten part of the equation in looking at fertility health. The male influence does affect IVF outcome. In a report by Eisenberg et…
Endometrial Receptivity Testing (ERA)
Endometrial Receptivity Testing (ERA)
Equal amounts of research and consternation center on the proper cultivation, collection and treatment of oocytes during the IVF cycle. Only mature oocytes are a candidate for fertilization.  Moreover, only…
Post-Miscarriage conception
Trying To Conceive After A Miscarriage
Couples plagued by loss and trying to conceive after a miscarriage turn to their physicians for guidance regarding continued attempts at family building. Traditionally, 3 months of waiting was the…
embryo transfer
Candidate Embryos
Equal amounts of research and consternation center on the proper cultivation, collection and treatment of oocytes during the IVF cycle. Only mature oocytes are a candidate for fertilization.  Moreover, only…
maternal influence
Maternal Obesity
The obesity epidemic has lasting negative effects, the potential for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, leading to increase illness and decreased lifespan. However, maternal obesity touches not just the mother but…