About Fertility

Maximizing Chances of Pregnancy 

maximize chance of pregnancy

Much emphasis in the field of reproductive technologies and IVF is placed on arriving at delivery of a healthy infant. Our goal is to promote generation of the healthiest, euploid (chromosomally-normal) embryo and transferring it to a primed, and accepting uterine cavity. Here it is anticipated to implant, develop and flourish until baby’s safe delivery.

To this end, there are few checkpoint controls that can be enacted to enrich the chances of the transfer of a chromosomally-normal embryo. The latest technology involves biopsy of a few cells of the cells-destined to be become the placenta on the fifth day of the embryo’s life (blastocyst) and then freezing the embryo to be transferred at another time.

However, it is false to anticipate that a chromosomally-normal embryo will always become a pregnancy and result in a baby. From initial assessment, it seems incongruent and clearly causes great frustrations for patients who have spent time and resources optimizing chances of success. It is because the environment is the link between embryo and endometrium.

This environment consists of cytoplasm (the fluid within each cell that house the functional machinery), mitochondria (the energy plants) and the lingering effects of stressors (either in our lifestyles or inherent to our bodies). The blackbox of reproduction still exists and what governs whether an embryo will become a baby or fail remains somewhat uncertain. This box becomes smaller as research continues.

Taking charge of what can be controlled, we can promote healthful response, we can optimize uterine factors, we can uncover if an embryo has the potential to become a baby. Technologies afforded us bring the chances of pregnancy from competent, chromosomally-normal embryos to approximately 70-80%. Maximizing chances of pregnancy is our goal. Contact us today!