Financing Your Fertility

Insurance Coverage Varies Even in States with an Infertility Mandate

Insurance Coverage Varies Even in States with an Infertility Mandate

Affording Infertility Treatments

Having a child is expensive. If you are having difficulty conceiving, as 15% of those desiring a baby do, then the financial obstacles can be prohibitive. This is especially true for those working in states who do not have a mandate for employers to cover fertility treatment options. Insurance coverage varies even in states with an infertility mandate. Different companies have different polices even if they are in the same state. It is important to check with your Human Resources department and with your health insurance provider to see what will and will not be covered including both treatments and medicines for treatment.

Download your guide to affording IVF

How To Chose An Infertility Specialist

Where you go for care should be chosen wisely as fertility centers are not all equal. A fertility center should not only offer the full range of the assisted reproductive technologies (ART) including IVF services, but also be a member of the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SART), and report all of their IVF data to SART. In that way you can be assured that the providers in your Center  has been properly trained in administering IVF services and is board-certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. You should also compare and contrast different fertility centers in terms of their level of care and costs per pregnancy as these vary widely between centers.

At the Fertility Centers of New England our high level of care together with our success rates and low cost per pregnancy has earned us the accolade, “Center of Excellence” by many insurance providers. The Fertility Centers of New England is where care centers on you.

If would like to schedule an appointment for a free initial consult, please contact us. We are here for you.

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