About Fertility

Using AMH to Predict Ovarian Reserve

Using AMH to Predict Ovarian Reserve

Anti-mullerian hormone, more commonly known as AMH, is an early and reliable predictor of ovarian reserve. Using AMH to predict ovarian reserve is thought to be more reliable because the levels stay mainly consistent throughout the menstrual cycle. Together with age, antral follicle count (ultrasound), and hormone markers, this regulatory protein is thought to play a role in coordinating follicular development within the ovary. More specifically, a decrease in AMH levels may indicate that there is an egg issue before follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels begin to rise.

At Fertility Centers of New England, AMH levels are routinely checked as part of a patient’s initial fertility evaluation. Using the results of the test, a patient’s treatment can be customized in order to optimize treatment response. Below, we’ll outline some of the frequently asked questions we receive about AMH and the answers we give our patients.

How is AMH Measured?

Testing AMH involves a simple blood test, which doesn’t need to be taken on a particular day or time. Typically one test is sufficient; however, your doctor may recommend repeating the test if it’s been over a year since you’ve last had one. This is because the AMH levels change over time and as you age.

Why is Testing AMH Important?

AMH is considered a better predictor of ovarian reserve than a woman’s age, BMI, or FSH level alone. Specifically, it’s thought that AMH indicates the size of a woman’s egg supply. In addition to using AMH measurements for fertility evaluation, it can also be used to determine how you may respond to stimulation medication used during treatment. Doctors can also use the results to identify which infertility treatments are most effective and safe, as well as candidacy for egg freezing.

Does Birth Control Impact AMH Testing Results?

In a recent study of women, birth control (including oral contraceptives, patches, and vaginal rings) significantly decreased AMH levels. Most often, we have patients stop daily contraceptives prior to measuring AMH levels.

Does PCOS Affect AMH Levels?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is typically associated with a higher number of early antral follicles resulting in higher baseline AMH levels. Also, it’s worth noting that AMH levels may be correlated to PCOS severity—women with insulin-resistant PCOS tend to have higher AMH levels.

Can AMH be Used to Predict Menopause?

AMH has been used as a predictive marker of menopause in the past. In a study of pre-menopausal women ages 35 to 39, the median time to menopause was 9.94 years when the AMH level was less than 0.20 ng/mL, and 13.01 years when the AMH level was more than 1.5 ng/mL.

At Fertility Centers of New England, it’s important to us that you receive personalized, compassionate care. We’ll use AMH testing in order to determine the right treatment path forward for success.

Contact Us

At Fertility Centers of New England, patients come to us because they are struggling with infertility and/or miscarriages. If you have more questions about using AMH to predict ovarian reserve, please contact us for a consultation.


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