About Fertility
Common Causes of Male Fertility Issues and Tips to Increase Fertility

Male fertility, including healthy sperm count and function, is directly affected by both physical and mental health. Quantity, movement, and structure of sperm all have a significant effect on whether or not an egg will become fertilized. Let’s take a closer look at common causes of male fertility issues and tips to increase fertility.
Research has found that:
- In cases of infertility, approximately 40-50% is due to male factor infertility, which may be caused by low sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm to a woman’s egg.
And according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development:
- In one-third of infertile heterosexual couples, it’s unclear if the cause of infertility is attributable to the male or female.
Infertility affects women and men equally, which is why a fertility evaluation includes both partners to understand the best path forward regarding treatment and care.
Let’s examine some of the root causes of male infertility and discuss simple ways you can increase your fertility.
What Are Some Specific Causes That Can Lead to Male Fertility Issues?
Men’s health issues that can lead to fertility concerns include problems in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which are parts of the brain that trigger a man’s testicles to properly produce testosterone and sperm. This is known as secondary hypogonadism, which means that the testicles are normal but aren’t suitably regulating proper function, impacting quality sperm production.
Other issues that can compromise healthy fertility function include testicular disease, sperm transport disorders, and certain medications that can impair healthy sperm development. So, how can you help your chances and combat infertility? Here are seven simple things that can help.
Seven Tips to Increase Male Fertility
Eat a nutritious diet. Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) will help increase your chances of proper sperm function. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, fish, and nuts (specifically, walnuts). Walnuts can reduce lipid peroxidation, which is a type of cell damage that can compromise sperm membranes and harm the sperm cells. You should also limit foods such as processed meats, soy products, high-fat dairy items, foods with trans fats, and those produced using pesticides and bisphenol (BPA).
Manage stress. Stress is an underlying root of many health-related issues. With regard to a man’s fertility, stress can interfere with the production of testosterone and related hormones needed to produce quality sperm. Stress also gets in the way of a healthy sex drive.
Exercise. This goes hand-in-hand with maintaining a healthy weight, but exercise does more than keep you in better physical condition. Moving around and participating in physical activity can increase your levels of beneficial antioxidant enzymes that help the overall health and protection of your sperm.
Avoid smoking and limit alcohol. Cigarettes and alcohol are linked to a reduction in testosterone production, which can negatively affect men’s fertility and decrease the chances of successful conception.
Don’t forget those vitamins and minerals. You’ve likely heard this your whole life, and it remains true when it comes to men’s fertility health. Vitamins C and D, as well as Zinc, can collectively help boost testosterone levels and increase the quality and quantity of sperm.
Stay cool. When the temperature gets hot outside, try to stay cool. Keeping your internal temperature down helps improve sperm production and overall health. An increase in scrotum or testicle temperature can reduce sperm count, and the quality of the sperm. When your body temperature begins to rise from 95 degrees Fahrenheit, sperm motility begins to be adversely affected.
Be cognizant of your age. It’s natural that, as we age, our body begins to “slow down.” Included in that is overall sperm production and function. This doesn’t mean conception is impossible, it just means that if you’re actively planning on starting a family and are looking for the most opportune chance to successfully conceive, keep your age (as well as the rest of this list) in mind.
Fertility Centers of New England is Here When You Need Us
Sometimes, regardless of any best practices you follow, you may need to seek the guidance of a specialist to help provide you with options that enable you to increase your chances of successful conception and pregnancy. We’re here to help guide and walk you through different ways to increase male fertility, as well as fertility treatment options that can help you grow your family. Contact us if you have more questions on common causes of male fertility issues and tips to increase fertility or to schedule your initial consultation.