About Fertility

Seven Ways To Increase Male Fertility

7 Ways To Increase Male Fertility

Many factors associated with infertility are beyond your control. In fact, one in six couples attempting pregnancy will have difficulty achieving pregnancy. It is also important to know that infertility affects women and men equally. Sperm health may be enhanced by the choices you make. Seven ways to increase male fertility:

1. Eat RightSeven Ways To Increase Male Fertility

Processed foods are loaded with sugar, fat, and preservatives, all of which can adversely affect sperm parameters.

Fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which are beneficial for good health and sperm production and function.

2. Exercise

For optimal health, including better sperm production, pair healthy eating with muscle-toning exercise. Sperm production depends on the right mix of hormones. Obesity adversely affects hormone production and can decrease sperm production. Maintaining an ideal body weight will enhance sexual performance and benefit sperm production.

3. Don’t Use Tobacco Products 

Nicotine and other metabolic by-products of tobacco are toxic to sperm and can even cause DNA damage, increasing your partner’s risk for miscarriage.

4. Don’t Use Marijuana

No matter the form of marijuana imbibed (inhalation or edible), marijuana and its metabolic products and derivatives adversely affect hormone levels and sperm production. Women whose male partners use marijuana have a higher chance of miscarriage than women whose partners do not use marijuana.

5. Don’t Drink Alcohol Excessively

Excessive use of alcohol lowers hormone production, sexual performance, and sperm function.

6. Avoid Testosterone

Performance-enhancing medications lower hormone production and effectively stop sperm production.

7. Don’t Soak in Hot Tubs or Spend Much Time in Steam Rooms or Saunas

Sperm production is compromised at temperatures over 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sperm health can reflect overall health. Life choices have consequences, either for better or worse. Choose wisely for sperm health. If you have questions about your or your partner’s fertility, please contact us today!

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about ways to increase male fertility or are experiencing difficulty conceiving, we can help. Our goal is to help each of our patients achieve a successful, healthy pregnancy. Contact us today for an initial consultation.



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