Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: pregnancy

Seafood and Pregnancy
Seafood and Pregnancy
Seafood and pregnancy: Is it safe? The mantra of food consumption and pregnancy has been to be weary of seafood. Certainly, the well-publicized association between increased mercury levels garnered from…
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Lifetime
Prenatal care is the reason for the dramatic reduction of maternal illness and mortality in the United States. Initially, this care was focused on the major pregnancy complications: blood pressure,…
Why Vaccinate?
Most Americans are immunized during childhood. As adults, we assume that this immunization carries into adulthood. Often women are unaware of immunization status prior to attempting pregnancy and to conception.…
Exercising the “Art” in A.R.T.
There is a certain “art” in Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Part of which is the successful culturing of embryos. Providing the best environment for embryos to thrive is one part of…
Timing Natural Conception
There are only a limited number of days during a woman’s menstrual cycle when sexual intercourse might result in pregnancy. The duration of this fertile period depends on the life…