Infertility Treatments

What To Expect At Your First Fertility Appointment

What To Expect At Your First Fertility Appointment

Sometimes the first step is the hardest one to take. You likely have many questions about infertility treatment and what to expect. Listen to Dr. Hill answer some of your questions and what to expect at your first fertility appointment.

What Questions Should I Be Prepared to Answer?

When you meet with your fertility doctor, there will be a review of your medical history as well as your partner’s, including any previous fertility testing and the outcomes. This will help determine next steps in your personal treatment plan.

What Do Blood Tests Show for Fertility?

There are several blood tests used to determine if you have a problem that may be causing your infertility challenges. One of the most important tests is Anti-Mullerian Horomone (AMH).

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How is AMH Measured?

Testing AMH involves a simple blood test, which doesn’t need to be taken on a particular day or time. Typically one test is sufficient; however, your doctor may recommend repeating the test if it’s been over a year since you’ve last had one. This is because the AMH levels change over time and as you age.

Why is Testing AMH Important?

AMH is considered a better predictor of ovarian reserve than a woman’s age, BMI, or FSH level alone. Specifically, it’s thought that AMH indicates the size of a woman’s egg supply. In addition to using AMH measurements for fertility evaluation, it can also be used to determine how you may respond to stimulation medication used during treatment. Doctors can also use the results to identify which infertility treatments are most effective and safe, as well as candidacy for egg freezing.

What to Expect During an HSG Exam

One of the first steps of diagnostic testing of infertility is an evaluation of the uterine cavity. Often patients ask what tests are involved with an infertility evaluation? Knowing what to expect with an HSG, SHG, or hysteroscopy and how they differ is helpful to ease any anxiety.

We Can Help

If you have more questions on on what to expect at your first fertility appointment or where to start, please contact us.

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