Infertility Treatments

Is it Safe to Have IVF During Covid-19?

Is it Safe to Have IVF During Covid-19?

Many fertility centers and other health care facilities across the country slowed down or ceased to see patients all together in March and April of this year due to the Sars Co-V-2 (Covid-19) pandemic. Patients and providers were appropriately concerned about what could happen with this pandemic and whether it is safe to have IVF during Covid-19? Now, currently, over 7 million people in the United States have been infected by Covid-19 contributing to over 200,000 deaths nationwide.

Effects of Covid-19 on IVF

Since the early days of the pandemic much now has become known. There is no evidence that Covid-19 has damaging effects on IVF outcome. Covid in men has not been shown to affect testicular or epididymal function. Impairment in semen parameters after moderate infection has been noted. There is no evidence that Covid-19 is transmitted by either sexual contact or through IVF or IUI.

Covid-19 and Pregnancy

Despite the lack of risk, a connection to preterm birth and preeclampsia has been observed in some pregnant women with Covid-19. However, newborns do not appear to be at risk for either infection or neonatal complications. Studies to date also indicate that Covid-19 is not transmissible across the placenta. Covid-19 has put life on hold for so many of us, but infertility patients should not have to waste precious time due to this pandemic. Ultimately, infertility is a time sensitive disease and fertility care should not be postponed for those in need of it.

Staying Safe During Covid-19

The best solution is to follow medical directions on preventing spread of the disease: wear a mask in public, social distance, wash your hands, and be smart about crowds. In addition to these measures, get the flu vaccine to further protect yourself against conventional flu. Hopefully soon, a reliable Covid-19 vaccine may be available, until then and even after, remain vigilant and go forward.

The best solution is to follow medical directions on preventing spread of the disease: wear a mask in public, social distance, wash your hands, and be smart about crowds.

Contact Us

Whether you are waiting or proceeding with infertility treatments during Covid-19, we are here to help. We are committed to continue care for our patients. We remain focused, as always, on providing you with individual care that centers on you. If you are wondering whether it is safe to have IVF during Covid-19 or what you can do to continue treatment, please contact us