About Fertility

Gut Microbes May Contribute to Fertility

gut microbes and causes of infertility

The advent of molecular genetics affords us a look into the machinations of systems previously undefined. An uncountable number of microbes, fungi, and viruses live (mostly happily) in our gut, bound by the limits of the mouth and the parts below. Their workings, in concert and sometimes adversarial, are the composition of the human microbiome. This microbiome is, perhaps, the next frontier of molecular medicine, and understanding the gut’s interaction with cellular processes may allow us to control diseases as vast as immunity and metabolic diseases. Gut microbes may contribute to fertility.

Understanding the Microbiome

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has started a five-year pilot program to study and characterize the microbial composition of the GI system, urogenital tract, blood, and eyes. Once a “normal” roadmap can be defined – normal being defined as a representation of large populations (and large datasets), then we can begin to understand disease as it relates to changes in the microbiota. Perhaps, returning the microbiota to its more normal state will reduce disease.

For instance, differences are noted in the gut flora of adults with obesity compared to those without the disease. It is also evidenced that higher-calorie diets rich in sugar and processed foods may skew the balance of the microbes, which in turn may negatively affect the extraction of nutrients and may also lead to excess calorie absorption.

The Right Foods for Your Gut

Diets based on plants, fruits, and vegetables may provide better support for the microbiome. Fiber may be a preferred food source for the gut and not just a brute-force effect of moving gut contents – both forward and out!

The gut microbiota have been involved in governing multiple cellular and organ systems but now we start to explore their pathways to our health. Your fertility benefits from a healthy lifestyle.

Contact Us

Fertility Centers of New England remains committed to providing care that centers on you and your individual needs. If you have any additional questions on how gut microbes may contribute to fertility, please contact us to schedule an initial consultation.

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