Fertility Advancements
FCNE Announces First Births in United States Using Embryoscope® Incubator

The Fertility Centers of New England is proud to announce the first successful births following embryo culture using the Embryoscope® (Unisense/Fertilitech, Aarhus, Denmark), a new advancement for the IVF laboratory.
The Fertility Centers of New England was also the first IVF center in the United States to use this system for research purposes under the direction and supervision of the late Dr. Lynette Scott.
“We are proud to be the first IVF center in the U.S. to investigate embryo culture and selection with the Embryoscope® system,” said Fertility Centers of New England President and CEO Joseph A. Hill, MD. “We are also pleased to continue Dr. Scott’s initial work and see those efforts result in the clinical use of the Embryoscope® now with the birth of healthy babies.”
The Embryoscope® incubator is a state-of-the-art system, with a built-in camera providing automated and continuous time-lapse photography of fertilized oocytes from conception until the time of embryo transfer without disturbing the culture environment. This innovative device, of which there are less than 10 currently being used clinically in the United States, allows embryologists to assess an embryo’s development by observing cell division during key time periods.
“We have seven patients whose embryos were cultured using the Embryoscope® that have now delivered healthy babies,” said Fertility Centers of New England Laboratory Director Dr. Michael Tucker. “This type of technology has re-energized the IVF field. The information obtained from using this innovative technology may be used to reduce the number of twins and triplets by selecting a single embryo for transfer that is the most likely to result in the birth of a healthy baby.”
Although the main clinical reasons for using the Embryoscope® are to provide a safe, well-controlled culture environment for developing embryos and to help embryologists select the best embryo for transfer, the Embryoscope® can also offer new parents a video record of their baby from conception to the point of embryo transfer.
Example of videos can be found here.
The Fertility Centers of New England is proud to be at the forefront of advanced infertility treatment and for increasing access to care by providing affordable treatment options without composing quality and results.
About The Fertility Centers of New England
The Fertility Centers of New England is an international leader in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of infertility. We combine advanced reproductive technologies with a comforting, supportive environment to give patients the personal care they deserve. The Fertility Centers of New England has seven convenient locations for treatment and cycle monitoring throughout New England. We accept all insurance plans and offer a range of options for self-pay patients.
Patients interested in obtaining additional information about the Fertility Centers of New England and the Embryoscope® may call our center at 877-877-9901 or e-mail us.
Media inquiries: Please contact Brian E. Miller, Ph.D. at millerb@fertilitycenter.com or 781-942-7000 Ext. 631.