About Fertility

Fertility After Cancer

For many, having a child is very much a part of the quality of life. Not all young cancer survivors are aware of the potential option for fertility preservation and many oncologists are similarly unaware. According to a national survey of physician practice patterns, less than half of cancer patients of childbearing age felt they had been sufficiently educated about their options of potentially preserving their fertility prior to chemotherapy or radiation treatment. There is now a multimedia resource available called, SaveMyFertility.org and via an iPhone app, iSaveFertility (free at the App Store). These resources are great places to start to learn more about the fertility preservation techniques currently available. Next, patients should consult with a fertility specialist with expertise in these fertility preservation techniques. Close communication is key; not only for successful treatment, but also for the young woman facing chemotherapy to become part of a team that is dedicated to helping preserve future fertility. At the Fertility Centers of New England we understand and have established a very successful fertility preservation program involving the vitrification or freezing of eggs in young women who can delay the start of their chemotherapy to allow time to collect and freeze eggs or embryos should they have a partner.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and want to explore your options, come talk with us today!