FCNE Makes Egg Freezing More Affordable

Facebook and Apple announced a game-changing perk that they will now pay for women to freeze their eggs. The fact is more women are delaying motherhood but they still face the constraint of their biological clocks. If the time is not right for you to start a family, technology offers an opportunity to take control of your reproductive health and postpone pregnancy until a later date. Freezing your eggs is an act of empowerment, allowing you to preserve your reproductive ability.
Cost is a major barrier for many young women wanting egg freezing. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has said that the price for egg freezing is as high as $18,000. At the Fertility Centers of New England (FCNE) we understand the financial burdens imposed by these advanced technologies. That is why we offer egg freezing for $6,500 to enable young women the reproductive freedom to choose when they are ready to become mothers. FCNE makes egg freezing more affordable!
Our care team at the Fertility Centers of New England will help you determine if egg freezing is the right option for you and tailor treatment to your particular situation. If you are considering egg freezing and exploring your options, come talk to us!