Infertility Treatments

A Uterine Structural Study is an Important Part of the Evaluation of Infertility

A Uterine Structural Study is an Important Part of the Evaluation of Infertility

A uterine structural study is an important part of the evaluation of infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss as many of the abnormalities found can be easily corrected which may facilitate your ability to have a successful pregnancy. A uterine study determines whether there is an anatomical reason contributing to your reproductive difficulty, such as uterine polyps, fibroids, adhesions or congenital anomalies, such as a uterine septum.

Ways To Evaluate the Intrauterine Cavity

  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

    An HSG has been historically recommended to determine if the uterine cavity is normal and to see if both fallopian tubes are open (patent). This study is performed in the Radiology department and is associated with more discomfort that a simpler and now more widely recommended procedure called a SonoHSG.

  • SonoHSG

    This procedure can be performed in the office using transvaginal ultrasound after instilling sterile saline into the uterus. Tubal patency can be assessed and evidence of a dilated tube (Hydrosalpynx) indicating tubal disease can be discerned.

  • 3-D Ultrasound

    A 3-D Ultrasound is useful in determining congenital abnormalities such as an intrauterine septum and for mapping uterine fibroids.

  • Office Hysteroscopy

    An office hysteroscopy is an excellent means of visually determining if an intrauterine filling defect such as fibroids, polyps or adhesions are present but does not tell anything about the fallopian tubes.

  • Hysteroscopy

    Hysteroscopy performed under anesthesia as a day surgery procedure is generally reserved for those who have had an intrauterine filling defect noted by one of the other procedures so that correction of the abnormality can be performed.

Contact Us

Our physicians are experts in diagnosing fertility problems, and guiding our patients through the process with care and expertise. If you have more questions on why a uterine structural study is an important part of the evaluation of infertility or causes of recurrent pregnancy loss, please contact us. We are here to help. 

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