About Fertility
Women With Low Vitamin D May Experience Less Success With IVF

A recent study published in Human Reproduction suggests that women with low vitamin D may experience less success with IVF than women with normal vitamin D levels. The findings came from a meta-analysis of 11 previously published studies including 2,700 women. Women with normal vitamin D levels were found to be 46% more likely to achieve a clinical pregnancy and a third more likely to have a live birth than women with low levels of vitamin D. There was no association between vitamin D and miscarriage rates, however. Low vitamin D levels have previously been associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia and fetal growth restriction.
Sunlight is the best and only natural source of Vitamin D. It is the way your body intended you to make it. However, depending on season, the region you live in, or your work schedule, this may not always be a given.Vitamin D supplements are often suggested in these instances but it is important to consult with your physician on the right amount for you to take. Whenever possible it is recommended to get out and enjoy the sunshine! In fact, as little as fifteen minutes can greatly enrich your levels.
At Fertility Centers of New England, we encourage all of our patients to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to have the best possible chance of conceiving, and we are very proud of our outstanding pregnancy rates. If you have questions about your or your partner’s fertility, please contact us today!
For more blogs on vitamin D and how it can benefit not only your IVF success but protect your future baby from disease:
Vitamin D Deficiency Knows No Boundaries
How Does Vitamin D Affect Reproductive Health?
Can Vitamin D Before Pregnancy Protect the Health of My Baby in the Future?