About Fertility
Vitamin D Increases Live Birth Rates in Infertile Women

A recent Danish study suggests that dietary Vitamin D increases live birth rates in infertile women. The authors of the study investigated the records of over 16,000 Danish women with a diagnosis of infertility between 1980 and 1991. The first five years of the study overlapped with Denmark’s mandatory vitamin D fortification program.
Women with infertility during the Vitamin D fortification period had an 87% higher chance of a live birth compared to infertile women who were trying to conceive after the mandatory fortification period. Infertile women who were trying to conceive during the transitional, wash-out period of Vitamin D supplementation had a 52% increased chance of a live birth compared to women who were not exposed to additional Vitamin D supplementation.
This large study suggests that even small increases in Vitamin D exposure may improve live birth rates in women with infertility. We are still learning about the role of Vitamin D in conception and pregnancy, but these findings are encouraging. At Fertility Centers of New England, we recommend Vitamin D supplementation for all of our patients. A healthy lifestyle is very important for anyone trying to conceive. If you have questions about your or your partner’s fertility, please contact us today!
Jensen et al, Exposure to vitamin D fortified margarine in women with fertility problems and chance of live birth: results from a Danish population-based cohort study, Fertility and Sterility, in press.