Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: Pregnancy Nausea

Pregnant Woman Experiencing Nausea
Nausea Elevates With Pregnancy
For some women, unfortunately, nausea elevates with pregnancy to the next level (figuratively and literally). Waking moments are riddled with waves of nausea and vomiting. It may be cyclic or…
Nausea is a Clear Physical Sign That the Promise of Pregnancy
How to Treat Nausea During Pregnancy
Nausea is pregnancy, for most. Initially, it is welcomed – nausea is a clear physical sign that the promise of pregnancy (and birth) is secured. But that validation turns quickly…
Smoking Marijuana During Pregnancy
Smoking Marijuana During Pregnancy
The legalization of marijuana has enabled many entrepreneurs to open marijuana dispensaries.  A recent study found that nearly 70% of marijuana dispensaries in Colorado recommend cannabis products to manage nausea…
marijuana fertility
Marijuana Risks to Fertility and Pregnancy
Washington, DC along with 29 states have passed legislation legalizing medical marijuana. The medical efficacy of marijuana and the primary psychoactive ingredient, THC is limited although, the other cannabinoid in…