Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: pregnancy loss

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Immunologic
The immune system evolved to protect the individual from non-self, genetically different, or allogenic tissue. Immunity can be either innate (in born) or adaptive (acquired) depending on the molecule causing…
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Testing
Testing for recurrent pregnancy loss includes assessment of possible genetic, anatomic, hormonal, inflammatory, and immunologic causes. All testing can be accomplished within one menstrual cycle with tests timed during the…
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Anatomical
Potential anatomical causes of recurrent pregnancy loss can be divided into either congenital (born with) or acquired anomalies. These potential causes are associated with adverse pregnancy outcome and are thus…
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Genetic/Chromosomal
Approximately 60% to 70% of pregnancy losses whether as an isolated event (one) or recurrent (two or more)are numerically chromosomally abnormal. The most common chromosomal abnormality is Trisomy 16 which…