Fertility Cares Blog

Ovarian Reserve
“Ovarian Reserve” is a term referred by many infertility specialists to describe the size, quality and developmental potential of the eggs remaining in the ovary. As a woman age’s ovarian…
Air Travel During Pregnancy
Patients recently pregnant following infertility therapy often ask if air travel is safe during pregnancy.  While definitive studies in pregnant women following infertility therapy have not been published, a number…
What is a Fertility Specialist?
A Fertility Specialist practices in a subspecialty within Obstetrics and Gynecology called Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. While any physician with a medical degree can claim to be a Fertility Specialist,…
Fertility Drugs and Ovarian Cancer
Over the years, controversy has existed whether fertility drugs can predispose to ovarian cancer. Several small poorly designed studies published in the 1990s raised the concern that drugs used to…
Fertility Myth
One fertility myth among many women of advanced reproductive age (40 and above) is that because they look and feel as they did when they were in their early 30s…
vitamin d and fertility sunblock
Vitamin D: The “Sunshine” Vitamin
Vitamin D: The “sunshine” vitamin gets another look. Vitamin D is known to promote bone and heart health. It may provide benefit in boosting the immune system and lowering risks…