Fertility Cares Blog

Growing Sperm from Germ Cells
Scientists at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Munster, Germany recently reported on their ability to grow mouse sperm from germ cells.  For men with azoospermia (zero sperm), this technology…
Natural and Minimal IVF: Caveat Emptor
Environment friendly business promotions have a receptive audience. Cost consciousness together with ‘green’ polices embracing such terms as ‘small is beautiful’ and ‘less is better’ can be a good thing.…
Male Fertility: The Other Half
Approximately 40% of infertility is related to the male.  Key to understanding male fertility is analysis of the semen.  Semen samples can vary from month to month, or even day…
cell phones and infertility
Cell Phones and Infertility
Cell phones are an everyday part of life. The advances in technology enabling not only voice communication but most recently high resolution pictures and internet access have been accompanied by…