FCNE Proudly Supports RESOLVE’s Walk of Hope

The Fertility Centers of New England proudly supports RESOLVE and RESOLVE New England’s Walk of Hope. On Sunday, September 17th, the Fertility Centers of New England will walk to support the infertility movement and all patient’s in the journey to becoming parents. RESOLVE’s Walk of Hope is a 1-mile, all ages awareness and fundraising event for infertility awareness. We are honored to participate in the event and walk the mile with all those in the infertility community “because no one with infertility should walk alone”. We are there for all!
If you are interested in walking with friends, family or colleagues, please join us! It is “one morning, to walk one mile, and unite one community.” We hope to see you there!
Event Details:
Where: The Endicott Estate, 656 East Street, Dedham, MA 02026
When: Sunday, September 17, 2017
Details: Check-in begins at 9:30 AM and walk begins at 10:30 AM. One-mile walk, all ages welcome!
For more information, please visit RESOLVE’s Walk of Hope.