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COVID-19 Booster Shots Are Recommended for Pregnant People

Booster Shots Are Recommended for Pregnant People

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) announced COVID-19 booster shots are recommended for pregnant people. Due to the increased risks that COVID-19 poses to both pregnant people and their babies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has included pregnancy on the list of underlying medical conditions that make someone eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot. The recommendation states that all pregnant and recently pregnant individuals receive a COVID-19 booster shot when they are eligible to do so.

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Recommendations for Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People

  • ACOG recommends that pregnant and recently pregnant people up to 6 weeks postpartum, including pregnant and recently pregnant health care workers, receive a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine following the completion of their initial COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine series.
  • People aged 18–64 years who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional settings and who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for their initial series may receive a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months after their initial series, based on their individual benefits and risks. Therefore, healthcare workers who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for their initial series may receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 6 months after their initial series.
  • All individuals aged 18 years and older, including pregnant and recently pregnant people, who received the J&J/Janssen vaccine as their initial COVID-19 vaccine should receive a single booster dose at least 2 months after their initial vaccine.
  • Individuals qualifying for a COVID-19 booster may receive any vaccine product available to them; they do not have to receive the same product as their initial vaccine or vaccine series.

Click here for the key recommendations from ACOG.

Contact Us

At Fertility Centers of New England, all of our physicians agree that becoming vaccinated prior to conceiving greatly improves the chances of a healthy mother giving birth to a healthy child. All women who are thinking about or attempting to conceive are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccination.

If you have more questions about why COVID-19 booster shots are recommended for pregnant people, please contact us for a consultation.


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