In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

When an IVF Cycle is Not Successful

When an IVF cycle is not successful it is important to try and understand why given the fact that the odds of success are generally not favorable when it comes to pregnancy success regardless whether IVF is done or not, except in the very best of circumstances when the odds of IVF success are approximately 50/50.

There are 3 fundamental components to a successful IVF cycle. The first is how well were you prepared?  Was the choice of medications to stimulate your eggs right for you?  Did you respond as expected? Was the quality of the eggs and embryos sufficient? Was your uterine lining prepared appropriately?  The second component of a successful lVF cycle is the embryo transfer. Was it easy or difficult? Was it associated with discomfort (other than having a full bladder), pain, or bleeding?  The third component is the embryo chosen for transfer. Was the embryo of sufficient quality to achieve a successful pregnancy?  Following transfer where there any remaining embryos of sufficient quality for freezing?  Recommendations to go forward with another cycle should be made if something of value was learned from the unsuccessful cycle.

Sometimes it is not possible to know precisely why pregnancy does not occur following IVF. More times than not, however, a good deal of information can be obtained about your body and your particular preparation from your unsuccessful IVF cycle attempt. This information can be used to suggest a different course of action that may increase your chances for subsequent success. Remember, your chances of success do not drop until after your first two IVF cycle attempts. Also remember that statistics, although important, are just averages. At the Fertility Centers of New England approximately 1.3 IVF cycles are required to have a baby.