
The Fertility Centers of New England Announces a New First

The Fertility Centers of New England is the first IVF lab in the United States to report successful births following embryo culture in a new, high-tech, low-oxygen incubator called the Embryoscope (Unisense, Fertilitech). The embryoscope allows the simultaneous incubation of embryos from up to six patients having IVF. A built-in camera provides automated and continuous time-lapse photography of fertilized oocytes without disturbing their environment. This innovative device of which there are only 10 in the country allows embryologists the ability to access an embryo’s developmental potential by observing the timing of pronuclear formation, syngamy, early embryo cleavage, compaction, and cavitation unobtrusively over many more time points than can be done using conventional incubators. Thus far, we have seven patients whose embryos were cultured using the Embryoscope who have delivered healthy babies. As we gather more information about the early development of these embryos and the resulting pregnancies, we will be able to use this information to determine the best criteria for selecting a single embryo that will result in the birth of a healthy baby. We will also be able to offer new parents a video record of their baby from conception to the point of embryo transfer. Check out samples of videos now!

Here is an embryo division  side-by-side comparison and a pre-implantation embryo from fertilization. Contact us today for more information!