Fertility Cares Blog

Birds and Bees Part II
Let me tell you ‘bout the “Birds and the Bees” And the flowers and the trees And the moon above And a thing called “Love”  (Herb Newman) Following ejaculation, sperm are…
Birds and Bees Part I
OCTOBER IS BIRDS AND BEES MONTH IN BOSTON When a baby is desired, success is expected immediately. However the natural ability to conceive a baby is only 20% per month.…
Ovarian Reserve
“Ovarian Reserve” is a term referred by many infertility specialists to describe the size, quality and developmental potential of the eggs remaining in the ovary. As a woman age’s ovarian…
Air Travel During Pregnancy
Patients recently pregnant following infertility therapy often ask if air travel is safe during pregnancy.  While definitive studies in pregnant women following infertility therapy have not been published, a number…