About Fertility

Herbal Supplements May be Harmful During Pregnancy

Herbal Supplements May be Harmful During Pregnancy

A recent study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology looked at pregnancy outcomes in women who used herbal supplements during pregnancy. This review included 74 studies that covered 47 herbal products. The results found that herbal supplements may be harmful during pregnancy. Specifically, the use of herbal supplements was associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications, including preterm birth and cesarean delivery. While herbal supplements are often promoted as healthy and natural, many contain ingredients that have not been adequately studied in pregnancy. We do not have enough information to know for sure that herbal supplements are dangerous, but we also cannot be certain that they are safe. Until herbal supplements have been studied more extensively, we would recommend avoiding them during pregnancy.

These findings highlight the importance of discussing all medications and supplements with your physician prior to pregnancy.

At Fertility Centers of New England, many patients come to us because they are struggling with infertility and/or miscarriages. We are proud to have helped thousands of patients realize their dream of becoming a parent. We want each of our patients to have the safest, healthiest pregnancy possible. While fertility treatment often feels like a marathon, the majority of patients will ultimately be successful. Our pregnancy rates are outstanding, and we are very committed to delivering exemplary patient-centered care. If you have questions about your fertility or would like to set up a consultation, please contact us today.