About Fertility
ACOG Formally Endorsed Marriage Equality

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) formally endorsed marriage equality for all same-sex couples in a policy statement released on August 20 saying, “Legally recognized marriage promotes women’s health by easing stress and promoting financial security. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) reaffirms gay, lesbian, and unmarried person’s reproductive rights stating, “There is no persuasive evidence that children raised by single parents or by gays and lesbians are harmed or disadvantaged by that fact alone. Access for reproductive assistance should be equally advocated without regard to marital status or sexual orientation.”
The Fertility Centers of New England affirms these policies believing that a family is love and we are committed to helping build healthy families regardless of parental marital status or sexual orientation. We do this every day by providing personalized service and compassionate expertise allowing greater access to the very best cost-competitive care.
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