Reproductive Surgery


Treatment Customized
for You

The answer to the infertility puzzle may not be IVF for you. In many cases, conventional medical therapies can be the key to overcoming fertility issues. Fertility Centers of New England often uses reproductive surgery in tandem with other IVF or assisted reproductive technologies to help improve our patients’ chances of a successful pregnancy.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Did you know that 85% to 90% of infertility cases are treated with conventional medical therapies such as medication or surgery?

Reproductive Surgery Can Improve Your Chances of Pregnancy If You Have:

  • pelvic pain
  • tubal disease
  • endometriosis
  • congenital anatomic abnormalities such as a uterine septum
  • uterine fibroids / polyps
  • pelvic adhesions

An Informed Decision

Before undergoing surgical intervention, you seek a thorough evaluation and discuss both the risks and potential benefits. The staff at Fertility Centers of New England is here to discuss what surgical treatments are needed to achieve your goals and assist you in making your decision.

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions About Reproductive Surgery

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